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Healthcare providers work so hard that     they struggle to take care of themselves. 

If you’re a healthcare provider, you deserve to feel good too.

You can.

As a healthcare provider do you...

lack the joy you thought your job would bring

struggle to follow your own health advice

wish you had more free time


Are you ready to feel better?

You can...

  • ​find joy in your job

  • get healthy 

  • have free time

  • impact others

  • achieve the lifestyle you desire

  • feel connected to your loved ones

“Joel helped me see how perfectionism and fear of criticism was depleting my free time.  When I worked on the cause of these two things, it impacted ALL of my life, including getting more free time!"​​
 -Family Physician

I'm Joel Erickson, MD

In addition to being a practicing physician of 24 years, I'm also a life coach certified through The Life Coach School.


I help others to say "yes" to their dreams, get beyond what's blocking them and experience the impact this has on everything in their life. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


I listen carefully, without judgement, holding certainty that your true desires are avaliable to you, now. 

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